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Saturday, July 16, 2011

romero brito, google tips

Romero Brito is a Brazilian born Pop artist who combines cheerful images, lively colors and facets of Pop art, graffiti with Cubism. Living in Miami for 25 years, Brito is one of the most famous living Pop artists. He paints, serigraphs and sculpts and has made portraits of many famous people including Dustin Hoffman, Gloria Estefan and Andre Agassi.

In the Official web site for Pop Artist Romero Brito, you can take a look on the  latest events and artwork, but if you google for it you can find also lot of images and information. For instance, Imagens de romero brito 
you google shows some imagens of romero brito. 

If you search for romero brito on google there are many possibilities to find information. Try to type the following queries: romero brito gallery, romero brito postersromero brito sculptures

Maybe you even know who I am talking about. So it's time to read some sites. A very good start to know an artist read about his 
own life: try romero britto biography 

