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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Whati is Windows Azure?

Windows Azure is a cloud operating system on which developers can build using .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Python and other languages. Doug Hauger, Windows Azure GM, said that in the future Microsoft will offer an admin model that will allow developers access to the virtual machine, although they will not have to manually allocate hardware resources as they might with a traditional infrastructure-as-a-service offering such as Amazon’s EC2. SQL Azure is Microsoft’s relational database in the cloud.

What It Costs:

* There are three pricing models: consumption-based, whereby a customer pays for what they use; subscription-based, with discounts for those committing to six months of use; and as of next July, volume licensing for enterprise customers that want to take existing Microsoft licenses into the cloud.
* Azure compute is 12 cents per service hour (half a cent less than Amazon’s Windows-based cloud).
* Azure’s storage service costs 15 cents per GB of data per month, with an additional penny for every 10,000 transactions, which are the movements of data within the stored material.
* .NET Services platform costs 15 cents for every 100,000 times the applications built on .Net Services accesses a tool or chunk of code.
* Moving data costs 10 cents per GB of inbound data and 15 cents per GB of outbound data.
* SQL Azure is $9.99 for up to a 1 GB relational database, and $99.99 for up to a 10 GB relational database.

